Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Luke For President

I posted this to the SkiesOfFire froums some time before the last Us Presidential Election

Here's my platform:

- Out of Iraq now. Like, by Monday.
- Legalize all currently illegal drugs, tax sales and use the money (+ the money saved from not enforcing prohibition) to fund free detox and rehab for those who want to quit.
- Crime policy: a crime with no victim is not a crime. (that would mean for instance legal hookers as long as they aren't forced into prostitution)
- Universal heath care for the poor, very low cost health care for the middle class, some benefits on costly health issues for the kinda-rich. Billionaires etc. keep flying private jets to private clinic in Switzerland like they always did.
- No more eavesdropping on your telephone, internet communications without warrant and without proof of involvement in a crime.
- No more undercover agents: the Police has to fight crime, not be criminals that betray their hum... co-workers.
- No more overseas military bases. Keep US Military inside the US... well, unless someone ELSE starts a war
- NO MORE AGGRESSIVE WAR. Wasn't the Axis "bad guys" for doing that?!?
- Sex education in schools done the scientific way (pops impregnates mom, mom makes the baby), including STD and condom use
- More nuclear power, more solar power, more alternative energy, more electric cars, less oil/coal based power, less gas-powered cars
- Intelligent design is NOT science. It may be philosophy, possibly, but definitely not science.
- Stop trying to enforce immigration policies: whoever wants to get in, can do that. All the money saved on border guards and immigration policy enforcement would go to help countries where immigrants come from, improving the quality of life there, so they wouldn't have to emigrate in the first place.
- It's gonna end there because by the time I get this far reciting this list in a convention, I'll get shot. BTW, carrying weapons should stay a citizen's right (in fact, that should be reintroduced in countries where the Nazis abolished that right)

And no, I'm not an American citizen so I couldn't run for president. And even if I could, I wouldn't; just as I wouldn't run for office in 'my' country (and if I did, no-one would vote for me).
I'm so darn happy I don't have any kids so I can die without worrying about where this world is going...

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