Friday, March 20, 2009

More ridiculous EU regulations: use of 'miss' and 'mrs' banned.

Someone pointed me to this article:

Now, I used to like the idea of uniting Europe but the way they are doing it sucks. And they're not uniting anything in the first place.
That said, let me explain how EU regulations work from the point of view of an EU citizen.

Europe doesnt have a common historical background like, say the US or Australia, each European country (and often regions inside countries) have own history, way of life, language, tradition, etc.
Yes, it is a very well know fact but I had to point it out. Keep that in mind. Very different peoples.

EU regulations are effective in the whole European Union, which includes Scandinavia, the UK, Southern Europe, Central Europe, and part of the former Communist Central and Eastern Europe.
How do you write a law that works as well in Scotland, Portugal, Greece and Poland?
Easy answer: you don't.
All they can do is come up with an idea for a "regulation" (eu-ish for 'law'), then stretch it here and there to make it fit all the member countries (which takes years of discussions in very expensive sessions that are paid for with our money), and finally end up with a ridiculous law that wont work in any of the member countries.

How do Europeans live with that?
"Regular EU Joe" simply thinks something like "yet another piece of politician idiocy that costed us several millions euros. We will ignore it and everyone will forget about it within 2 weeks".
Companies and corporations update the labels on their product to match the new dispositions. The actual product doesn't change at all but the new label and the new EU regulations are a good excuse to raise prices.
In case of regulations like "ms" instead of "miss" or "mrs", tons of money are spent by governments, cities etc to conform to the new law. More sound use of tax payers' money.
People will keep on saying "miss" and "missus", just as before (how do you pronounce "ms" anyway? "mus"? "mwz"?)

Possible Solution #1: Divide EU into at least 3 "zones": northern-central (Germany, Scandinavia, etc), Southern (France, Italy, Greece, etc), and Eastern zone that would include most of the former commies, but some may go with the central zone, and possibly the British Isles would need their own zone. (would take a while to work out the details...). Make different versions of EU law and regulations, adapting them to the different conditions in the different areas.

Possible Solution #2 (my favorite, but probably wouldnt work in RL): Abolish EU. Abolish UN. Abolish national states. Abolish the military. Let people organize themselves in small communities (yes, I can see the problems, I said it wouldn't work)

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